Forni di Sopra Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Forni di Sopra is: 穏やかな降雪、最大 水曜日の朝に. 気温が氷点下になるでしょう (最大 0°C 日曜日の午後に, 最小 -3°C 火曜日の夜に). 風は通常微風.
上記の表には Forni di Sopra の2073 m の特定高度における天気予報が表示されています。高度な気候モデルによって、 Forni di Sopra の山頂、中腹、麓にあるスキーステーションの雪予報を提供することができます。その他の高度の天気予報にアクセスするには、テーブルの上のタブナビゲーションをお使いください。より広範囲の天気予報には、 Italy の天気図をご覧ください。
I have been wanting to visit this resort, and there are no reviews on this board. So we made a day trip there and were pleasantly surprised. It is ski week in Italy but really very few people were there. Trails were well groomed, plenty of snow, and quite challenging piste. Not many trails, but a big vertical drop for such a small resort. It takes a while to get to the top, but then you can come down from 2073 to 880 meters in one shot. Not really a place for beginners by the way. On the other side of the valley there are some beginner runs, but on the Forni di Sopra side only intermediate, some quite challenging. So if you have some skiers who are not confident, better to try the other side. Food on the piste was good and quite cheap!
I have been wanting to visit this resort, and there are no reviews on this board. So we made a day trip there and were pleasantly surprised. It is ski week in Italy but really very few people were there. Trails were well groomed, plenty of snow, and quite challenging piste. Not many trails, but a big vertical drop for such a small resort. It takes a while to get to the top, but then you can come down from 2073 to 880 meters in one shot. Not really a place for beginners by the way. On the other side of the valley there are some beginner runs, but on the Forni di Sopra side only intermediate, some quite challenging. So if you have some skiers who are not confident, better to try the other side. Food on the piste was good and quite cheap!
下記の Forni di Sopraスキー天気ウィジェットを使って、無料で外部のウェブサイトに組み込むことができます。これによりForni di Sopra の雪の予報と現在の気象条件の毎日の概況が分かります。フィード設定のページにアクセスし、簡単な3つのステップを踏むだけでカスタムhtmlコードスニペットを取得することができ、ご自身のサイトに貼り付けていただけます。ご自身のウェブサイトに合わせて、雪予報の高度(山の頂上、中腹、ふもとのリフト)やメートル法/ポンド・ヤード法を選ぶことができます。 クリックしてコードを取得