Wolf Creek Ski Areaの雪予報: 大部分は乾燥. 凍結融解の条件 (最大 2°C 月曜日の午後に, 最小 -3°C 日曜日の朝に). 風が強くなる (温暖 日曜日の午後に, 新風 西から 火曜日の午後までに).
Wolf Creek Ski Area Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Wolf Creek Ski Area is: 大部分は乾燥. 凍結融解の条件 (最大 2°C 月曜日の午後に, 最小 -3°C 日曜日の朝に). 風が強くなる (温暖 日曜日の午後に, 新風 西から 火曜日の午後までに).
Wolf Creek Ski Area Weather (Days 4-6): 大部分は乾燥. 凍結融解の条件 (最大 1°C 金曜日の午後に, 最小 -5°C 水曜日の夜に). 風は通常微風.
Wolf Creek Ski Area のライブ天気
気温 (°C)
風速 (km/h)
Wolf Creek Ski Area の天気
(翌 3 日)
Wolf Creek Ski Areaの雪予報: 大部分は乾燥. 凍結融解の条件 (最大 2°C 月曜日の午後に, 最小 -3°C 日曜日の朝に). 風が強くなる (温暖 日曜日の午後に, 新風 西から 火曜日の午後までに).
Wolf Creek Ski Area is 100% open with all lifts operating from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily!
Lift tickets are at Regular Rates: $91 for adults, $60 for Seniors, and $45 for Children.
Sunday, February 23rd is College Day! Students with a current class schedule and valid college photo ID can purchase a $68 lift ticket!
SuperSaver Season Passes will be blacked out Saturday, February 22nd.
The 85th Anniversary Photography Competition began February 1st! Please visit the 85th Anniversary Page for details!
Raven’s Roost, Continental Espresso Bar, Upper Lodge, Pathfinder Bar, Prospector G... から Wolf Creek Ski Area
Wolf Creek Ski Area is 100% open with all lifts operating from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily!
Lift tickets are at Regular Rates: $91 for adults, $60 for Seniors, and $45 for Children.
Sunday, February 23rd is College Day! Students with a current class schedule and valid college photo ID can purchase a $68 lift ticket!
SuperSaver Season Passes will be blacked out Saturday, February 22nd.
The 85th Anniversary Photography Competition began February 1st! Please visit the 85th Anniversary Page for details!
Raven’s Roost, Continental Espresso Bar, Upper Lodge, Pathfinder Bar, Prospector G... から Wolf Creek Ski Area
上記の表には Wolf Creek Ski Area の3384 m の特定高度における天気予報が表示されています。高度な気候モデルによって、 Wolf Creek Ski Area の山頂、中腹、麓にあるスキーステーションの雪予報を提供することができます。その他の高度の天気予報にアクセスするには、テーブルの上のタブナビゲーションをお使いください。より広範囲の天気予報には、 United States の天気図をご覧ください。
Rode Wolfy (Wolf Creek Ski Area) w/ 24"+ and the snow was gorgeous: light, deep, and fun. The top of the entire mountain is a great playground with easy hikes to sick terrain, anything from steep glades to fun cornices to gnarly cliff hucks. But after the first 600-800 vertical feet, it becomes quite shallow in pitch and there are tons of holes or "flat-tracks". Not such a big deal for skiers but boarders are constantly skating to make it back to the lift.
The glades below the rim can be fun if you keep your speed up, but considering they get the killer POW often you really have to work it, and there is no getting around the 'flat-tracks' to get you back to the lift. The Waterfall area is below the rim and has some great features but again, you will be skating or hiking out.
Great snow, some great terrain, but overall lacking in a consistent vert and steep pitch to keep you smiling from top to bottom, the smile fades the further down the hill you go (unless you drop into the Waterfall area, but then it fades quickly as you hike/skate out of a hole). Cat tracks should now go uphill, and several here do.
Not whining, just speaking as I find. Too much work to get out of runs, and if you don't hike the ridge it wouldn't be worth it IMHO.
Rode Wolfy (Wolf Creek Ski Area) w/ 24"+ and the snow was gorgeous: light, deep, and fun. The top of the entire mountain is a great playground with easy hikes to sick terrain, anything from steep glades to fun cornices to gnarly cliff hucks. But after the first 600-800 vertical feet, it becomes quite shallow in pitch and there are tons of holes or "flat-tracks". Not such a big deal for skiers but boarders are constantly skating to make it back to the lift.
The glades below the rim can be fun if you keep your speed up, but considering they get the killer POW often you really have to work it, and there is no getting around the 'flat-tracks' to get you back to the lift. The Waterfall area is below the rim and has some great features but again, you will be skating or hiking out.
Great snow, some great terrain, but overall lacking in a consistent vert and steep pitch to keep you smiling from top to bottom, the smile fades the further down the hill you go (unless you drop into the Waterfall area, but then it fades quickly as you hike/skate out of a hole). Cat tracks should now go uphill, and several here do.
Not whining, just speaking as I find. Too much work to get out of runs, and if you don't hike the ridge it wouldn't be worth it IMHO.
下記の Wolf Creek Ski Areaスキー天気ウィジェットを使って、無料で外部のウェブサイトに組み込むことができます。これによりWolf Creek Ski Area の雪の予報と現在の気象条件の毎日の概況が分かります。フィード設定のページにアクセスし、簡単な3つのステップを踏むだけでカスタムhtmlコードスニペットを取得することができ、ご自身のサイトに貼り付けていただけます。ご自身のウェブサイトに合わせて、雪予報の高度(山の頂上、中腹、ふもとのリフト)やメートル法/ポンド・ヤード法を選ぶことができます。 クリックしてコードを取得