Some cloudy spells at Tignes. Just a light breeze today. Freeze-thaw conditions. No fresh snow. The pistes have good snow. Off-piste snow is wind affected. から Tignes
12km 遠い Valfrejus から
- Office de Tourisme de Val Thorens4 hour 前
Ski/board conditions are okay, more snow would be good. Strong winds at altitude. から Val Thorens
46km 遠い Valfrejus から
5 hour 前
For Oz en Oisans: Calm. Freeze-thaw conditions. No fresh snow. All lifts are open. Snow conditions on piste are good. から Oz en Oisans
Some cloudy spells at Tignes. Just a light breeze today. Freeze-thaw conditions. No fresh snow. The pistes have good snow. Off-piste snow is wind affected. から Tignes
12km 遠い Valfrejus から
- Office de Tourisme de Val Thorens4 hour 前
Ski/board conditions are okay, more snow would be good. Strong winds at altitude. から Val Thorens
46km 遠い Valfrejus から
5 hour 前
For Oz en Oisans: Calm. Freeze-thaw conditions. No fresh snow. All lifts are open. Snow conditions on piste are good. から Oz en Oisans
上記の表には Valfrejus の2144 m の特定高度における天気予報が表示されています。高度な気候モデルによって、 Valfrejus の山頂、中腹、麓にあるスキーステーションの雪予報を提供することができます。その他の高度の天気予報にアクセスするには、テーブルの上のタブナビゲーションをお使いください。より広範囲の天気予報には、 France の天気図をご覧ください。
So many changes in Valfrejus and it's attitudes!
Have been visiting this resort for a few years and, like many others, had issues with snow making, keeping lifts open, etc.
Change of management at the top seems to have shaken everything up; money spent on more snow making and no rubbish excuses about water levels/pump filters etc.
Would still like to see more of the top runs open but this year has been exceptional in terms of weather, making it difficult to keep up with making everything safe.
Keep on improving, Valfrejus
So many changes in Valfrejus and it's attitudes!
Have been visiting this resort for a few years and, like many others, had issues with snow making, keeping lifts open, etc.
Change of management at the top seems to have shaken everything up; money spent on more snow making and no rubbish excuses about water levels/pump filters etc.
Would still like to see more of the top runs open but this year has been exceptional in terms of weather, making it difficult to keep up with making everything safe.
Keep on improving, Valfrejus