上記の表には Stowe の390 m の特定高度における天気予報が表示されています。高度な気候モデルによって、 Stowe の山頂、中腹、麓にあるスキーステーションの雪予報を提供することができます。その他の高度の天気予報にアクセスするには、テーブルの上のタブナビゲーションをお使いください。より広範囲の天気予報には、 United States の天気図をご覧ください。
I have always loved Stowe, and their diversity of trails and quality of snow has vastly improved over the past ten years. Sprice Peak, which once was not always open due to lack of snowmaking is now open most of the time and has one of the best and most scenic trails in new emglans..Sterling. I can spend half of my day on this trail and not get bored. That being said the are is becoming much less inviting to me, but not because of the mountain. It has become too expensive especially for a family. Try $15.00 hambugers and $20.00 sandwiches. The lift tickets are now $92! Even my well to do friends are starting to avoid this resort. The management has been trying to be the Aspen of the East for some time, but they are forgetting the people who have made this mountain great in the first place. Please Stowe, bring back the charm and consideration for your family skiers and get your prices in line with other areas. Now, also be aware that you can not just get your young, new skiers lessons for an hour or two. You have to buy the whole day program at $175. Sorry, I don't have $1000 to drop on one days skiing for five people.
I have always loved Stowe, and their diversity of trails and quality of snow has vastly improved over the past ten years. Sprice Peak, which once was not always open due to lack of snowmaking is now open most of the time and has one of the best and most scenic trails in new emglans..Sterling. I can spend half of my day on this trail and not get bored. That being said the are is becoming much less inviting to me, but not because of the mountain. It has become too expensive especially for a family. Try $15.00 hambugers and $20.00 sandwiches. The lift tickets are now $92! Even my well to do friends are starting to avoid this resort. The management has been trying to be the Aspen of the East for some time, but they are forgetting the people who have made this mountain great in the first place. Please Stowe, bring back the charm and consideration for your family skiers and get your prices in line with other areas. Now, also be aware that you can not just get your young, new skiers lessons for an hour or two. You have to buy the whole day program at $175. Sorry, I don't have $1000 to drop on one days skiing for five people.