Mount Baker Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Mount Baker is: 少量の雪が小雨に変化 (合計 7.0mm) 月曜日の午後に. 凍結融解の条件 (最大 8°C 日曜日の午後に, 最小 -2°C 金曜日の夜に). 風は通常微風.
上記の表には Mount Baker の1067 m の特定高度における天気予報が表示されています。高度な気候モデルによって、 Mount Baker の山頂、中腹、麓にあるスキーステーションの雪予報を提供することができます。その他の高度の天気予報にアクセスするには、テーブルの上のタブナビゲーションをお使いください。より広範囲の天気予報には、 United States の天気図をご覧ください。
Baker is... Baker. There's nothing like it. That's good, and not so good. But you don't come here for the glitzy, corporate, mani-pedi, $20 apres drink, packed like sardines gondola, sleep in your king-sized goose down comforter bed. You come here to shred, without all the B.S. I've skied all over N. America and Europe for 50 years, and for me, Baker is heaven. Sure, Alta has better snow. Sure, Whistler has a cool village. But they also cost you $2,000 for a weekend and you're surrounded by thousands and thousands of people, Not all of whom you really want to mingle with. Yeah, I've made the (short) drive only to find rain and sleet. But I've also skied untouched powder out of bounds (legally) with not a soul around. That's winter sports. Mother nature is fickle, so deal with it. Some days you win, some days you lose. But it's always real.
Baker is... Baker. There's nothing like it. That's good, and not so good. But you don't come here for the glitzy, corporate, mani-pedi, $20 apres drink, packed like sardines gondola, sleep in your king-sized goose down comforter bed. You come here to shred, without all the B.S. I've skied all over N. America and Europe for 50 years, and for me, Baker is heaven. Sure, Alta has better snow. Sure, Whistler has a cool village. But they also cost you $2,000 for a weekend and you're surrounded by thousands and thousands of people, Not all of whom you really want to mingle with. Yeah, I've made the (short) drive only to find rain and sleet. But I've also skied untouched powder out of bounds (legally) with not a soul around. That's winter sports. Mother nature is fickle, so deal with it. Some days you win, some days you lose. But it's always real.